3 Tips to Write Conversational Copywriting

Conversational copywriting sounds like a friend talking to you.

Benjamin Watkins
2 min readDec 14, 2022

Conversational copywriting feels like a friend talking to you.

Informal words, idioms, involve the reader, metaphors, and personal pronouns are all part of conversational copywriting. The example I included in the picture above gives you an idea of what it looks like.

To give you a clearer idea of conversational copywriting, I’m breaking down Califia Farm’s example even further.

Idioms make your copywriting relatable

Idioms are common expressions.

For instance:

  • Get a taste of your own medicine
  • Go on a wild goose chase
  • Life is short

They are expressions that people use in conversation with one another. And that’s why it’s a powerful tool to use in your copywriting.

Idioms make you sound more real. It gives your copywriting a human element without sounding like corporate jargon.

Metaphors clarify your message

Metaphors clarify your message by articulating an idea.



Benjamin Watkins

Founder of ThisIsCopy.com | Health Tech Copywriter | Copywriting examples at https://laviebenrose.substack.com/. Dad of five adventurous kids..