3 Ways I Diversify My Freelance Income

Give yourself more stability with more revenue income streams.

Benjamin Watkins
2 min readJan 30, 2023
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Freelancing is a crash-and-burn business.

Sometimes you have high-earning months, sometimes you’re scrapping the bottom of the barrel. I’ve learned this the hard way as a freelance copywriter.

To avoid dryer freelance months, I’ve diversified my income. Here’s how I’m doing it. And what I’m planning to do.

Copywriting services

I work with startups on copywriting for their website, emails, and landing pages. I also occasionally get asked to ghostwrite for clients.

Some of these projects are just one month. Other projects are ongoing with a retainer fee.

This helps me earn between $3k and $12k a month.

1-on-1 consulting

I also offer 1 on 1 consulting for founders and freelancers.

This helps me take a break from purely doing services. It breaks up the copywriting work. And I discovered I really enjoy talking and helping people in a 1 on 1 setting.

I help freelancers who are figuring out how to find clients, how to set up contracts, and how to get started.



Benjamin Watkins

Founder of ThisIsCopy.com | Health Tech Copywriter | Copywriting examples at https://laviebenrose.substack.com/. Dad of five adventurous kids..