A Few Thoughts On the Present and Future of Medium

Is Medium still worth it?

Benjamin Watkins
2 min readSep 2, 2023
Photo by Joel & Jasmin Førestbird on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, I planned to write on Medium for a hundred straight days.

My plan failed.

My ambition sputtered. My enthusiasm faded. I lost hope. But not in writing. I lost faith in Medium.

I’ve seen Medium drop in views over the last few months at a startling rate. I don’t usually keep up with Medium CEO changes or algorithm changes. Yet I couldn’t help something was up.

I couldn’t help that this change was more dramatic.

Why I Love Medium

The reason I fell in love was because it felt easy. I didn’t have to play around with WordPress.

Medium made it easy to write and publish. There was nothing to it.

I loved seeing new followers engage with content. I love building an audience. I loved making a little bit of money on Medium. I loved writing on Medium.

But I’m not here to serve an algorithm. I’m not a peasant, and the algorithm is my king. I write because I love it. I’m the king of my content. I write to educate folks on copywriting and fundamental writing principles.

I love parts of Medium. And yet, it also feels like a platform holding me back.



Benjamin Watkins

Founder of ThisIsCopy.com | Health Tech Copywriter | Copywriting examples at https://laviebenrose.substack.com/. Dad of five adventurous kids..