Never Underestimate the Power of Doing Something That Scares You

Something scary could eventually become something you love doing.

Benjamin Watkins
2 min readDec 8, 2023
Photo by Leio McLaren on Unsplash

10 years ago, I had a singular goal to stay away from all jobs that required presentations, business meetings, networking, and writing reports.

I wanted to stay in a bubble of safety and ease.

I chose teaching because I thought it was easy (hint: it wasn’t). Then, I tried to get into nursing school — also super hard.

And then, I discovered the world of online writing and startups.

Do the Scary Things Until They Aren’t Scary

For the longest time, I hated getting on camera, on Zoom calls, to talk to clients. I hated stumbling over words. I hated that I sucked at this thing called “trying to build an online business.”

But the more I did it, the more confident I became.

I kept showing up over and over again. Because I loved the work of a copywriter. I loved writing online.

Sure, some things are terrifying. But life is terrifying. Waking up in this world and living life can be scary. It’s also 100% worth it, especially if you find that thing that keeps you coming back.



Benjamin Watkins

Founder of | Health Tech Copywriter | Copywriting examples at Dad of five adventurous kids..