The Only Question to Ask Yourself Before Writing

This question will give your writing purpose.

Benjamin Watkins
4 min readFeb 24, 2021
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

You have an idea.

You have an outline.

Now you’re ready to write. Almost ready*.

First, writers need to ask the important question that holds the key to their writing.

Why should your readers care about your writing?

I admit I have made the mistake of not asking this question. I just focus on what I want to write without really pausing to think about the reader.

But with a few tweaks, I’ve learned how to write for my readers. And now you can too.

Why This Question Matters Above All Other Questions

It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a novel, a newsletter, or a short article. You need to know your readers, the people that are going to benefit the most from your stories.

If you don’t know who your readers are, you need to find out!

Ask yourself, “who’s most likely to take action after reading your story?”

If you want someone to take action from your story, you need to have actionable steps. You want that reader to come away with something after reading your story.



Benjamin Watkins

Founder of | Health Tech Copywriter | Copywriting examples at Dad of five adventurous kids..