3 Simple Questions to Ask About Your Writing

How to get more out of your writing with the right questions.

Benjamin Watkins
2 min readMar 30, 2023
Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

I like to interrogate my writing with questions.

Is my writing confusing? Who does my writing help? What’s the point I’m trying to make in my writing?

The right questions lead to the right answers. Asking the right questions makes you the reader. You’re asking yourself, the writer, what your writing is about. You’re trying to find the right answer.

Here are three questions I like to ask about my writing:

1. What’s the Most Important Takeaway?

Twitter. LinkedIn. Medium. Blogs.

They should each have a point. A significant takeaway for the reader. A reader should understand what you’re trying to say in your writing. It’s your job as the writer to make that clear.

How to offer clear takeaways:

  • Make it clear in your introduction what you want the reader to takeaway
  • Use bullet points to highlight specific parts of your takeaway
  • Reiterate your takeaways in the conclusion

2. Is There Anything Confusing?



Benjamin Watkins

Founder of ThisIsCopy.com | Health Tech Copywriter | Copywriting examples at https://laviebenrose.substack.com/. Dad of five adventurous kids..